Words carry thewater of your soul.
Spoken out of your deepest self, they soak
the page, the air, the ears
of those you love, and show us who you are in a bazillion different colours and lines.
Words carry the water of your soul.
Spoken out of your deepest self, they soak
the page, the air, the ears
of those you love, and show us who you are in a bazillion different colours and lines.
They give your inner mystery external form and shape so we have something to touch and feel and know. As they pour out of your mouth, words give us both the golden light and safe passage into who you are.
But penning them can be a lot tougher than it sounds.
You know this as well as I do. The constant struggle to be known comes with hazards and frailty as we try to find the right words, the best words, the most apt descriptions and series of sentences to say exactly what we mean. It’s not easy. The only solace I can give you is that everyone’s trying for it.
Without exception, everyone’s hauling buckets to get the water up and out of their soul.
But penning them can be a lot tougher than it sounds.
You know this as well as I do. The constant struggle to be known comes with hazards and frailty as we try to find the right words, the best words, the most apt descriptions and series of sentences to say exactly what we mean. It’s not easy. The only solace I can give you is that everyone’s trying for it. Without exception, everyone’s hauling buckets to get the water up and out of their soul.
To do it, to actually
Get in the water and speak from treasures broken open, from anything uncovered and bare. Yell it up your throat if you need to, but just make sure what’s true in you finds its way out of your mouth.
To do it, to actually
Get in the water and speak from out of treasures broken open and real, anything uncovered and bare. Yell it up your throat if you need to, but just make sure what’s true in you finds its way out of your mouth.
We’re all dying to hear it.We’re all dying to hear it.We’re all dying to hear it.We’re all dying to hear it.We’re all dying to hear it.
As a copywriter, my whole job is to help bring your soul to the surface and get the word out so the people who need you can find you. If that’s what you’re looking for, you’re in the right place.
We’re all dying to hear it.We’re all dying to hear it.We’re all dying to hear it.We’re all dying to hear it.We’re all dying to hear it.
As a copywriter, my whole job is to help bring your soul to the surface and get the word out so the people who need you can find you. If that’s what you’re looking for, you’re in the right place.